Arocha Hair Restoration

Can Hot Summer Weather Negatively Affect My Hair Transplant?

Jul 26, 2024 @ 10:44 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is an excellent solution for men and women with a sparse, thinning hairline. A hair transplant effectively fills bald spots and restores the volume and thickness of the hair. Hair transplant surgery results successfully enhance a person’s appearance and renews their self-confidence.

While a hair transplant offers promising results, recovery and aftercare are vital to getting the most out of treatment. With the excessive heat in Houston this year, people may wonder, “Can hot summer weather negatively affect my hair transplant?” Dr. Bernardino A. Arocha of Arocha Hair Restoration & Transplant Center in Houston, TX, prepares patients for how weather can affect transplant recovery and offers tips to promote successful results of a summer hair transplant.

Effects of Hot Weather on Hair Transplant Recovery

The country has been experiencing excessive heat waves in the past several weeks. With Houston reaching temperatures in the 90s as early as May, it will likely remain an unusually hot summer. The temperature combined with high humidity levels and excessive sunshine can make for uncomfortable weather conditions.

Hot summer weather may be particularly concerning for recent or soon-to-be hair transplant patients. Hot weather can affect hair transplant recovery in a few ways, including:

Aftercare Tips for Summer Hair Transplant Patients

Hot summer weather increases the risk of hair transplant recovery complications. However, by taking proper precautions, our Houston patients can protect their scalp and promote healing after a summer hair transplant. We advise patients to follow these aftercare tips for summer hair transplant patients:

Scheduling a Hair Transplant

Individuals scheduling a hair transplant should consider why the fall, spring, and winter are best for hair transplant surgery. Temperate temperatures in the spring and fall and cooler winter weather make these seasons ideal for recovering from a hair transplant without worrying how heat, sweat, and harsh UV rays can compromise treatment results.

Contact Us

Dr. Bernardino A. Arocha offers hair restoration techniques that effectively restore a fuller, thicker hairline. To learn more about hair transplant surgery, what to expect from recovery, or the best time to undergo treatment, contact our hair restoration center and schedule a consultation at your earliest convenience.