Arocha Hair Restoration

Another Surgeon Botched My Hair Transplant: Is Revision Right for Me?

May 23, 2024 @ 11:57 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Transplant Revision

Many men and women struggle with hair loss as they age. Thinning and pattern baldness is usually a genetic condition. Hair transplant surgery collects hair follicles from a donor site and transfers them to parts of the scalp or face where hair scarcity is a concern.

Hair transplant surgery has a proven history of success, but complications occur in rare cases. When another surgeon botches a hair transplant, hair revision may be the best solution. Dr. Bernardino A. Arocha of the Arocha Hair Restoration & Transplant Center in Houston, TX, offers hair transplant revision to improve inferior results of a previous hair restoration treatment.

Reasons to Consider Hair Transplant Revision

Most hair transplant procedures successfully restore hair volume, adding density to areas of hair loss and filling out a scarce hairline. However, a small number of hair transplant procedures fail to deliver the desired results. Individuals may be unhappy with their hair transplant due to a lack of hair growth after treatment or patchy, unnatural-looking results. When a person is dissatisfied with a hair transplant procedure it is usually due to outdated techniques or botched treatment.

Outdated Techniques

Like many other areas of the medical field, hair restoration techniques continue to advance and improve. People who underwent a hair transplant procedure in the past may have results that don’t match the quality provided by current cutting-edge techniques. For instance, hair plug techniques that were once popular don’t always provide the same quality results as the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method commonly used today. This is by no fault of the surgeon, but rather due to continually advancing technologies.

Botched Hair Transplant

A botched hair transplant with another surgeon is a common reason that individuals come to our Houston practice requesting hair transplant revision. A botched hair transplant may be due to inferior surgical techniques or equipment, inexperience, or surgical errors.

What Happens During Hair Transplant Revision?

Hair transplant revision is nearly identical to an initial hair transplant procedure. Most hair transplant revisions utilize the FUE technique. During FUE treatment, Dr. Arocha makes a series of tiny circular incisions to collect individual hair follicles from the donor site (typically the back of the scalp). He transplants collected follicles to the donor site, strategically placing them to restore a fuller hairline and improve hair density. FUE hair transplant revision increases hair thickness and volume while leaving virtually no visible scarring.

Is Hair Transplant Revision Only for the Scalp?

A hair transplant revision is ideal for individuals with a previous botched transplant on the scalp. However, it is also appropriate for those with unsatisfactory results of a facial hair transplant. Dr. Arocha can use FUE hair transplant revision techniques to create a fuller beard, mustache, or eyebrows.

Contact Us

Hair transplant surgery is overwhelmingly successful. While a botched hair transplant can be extremely frustrating, it doesn’t mean there isn’t hope for successful results. A hair transplant revision enhances the results of a previous hair restoration. To find out if you are an ideal candidate for hair transplant revision, contact the Arocha Hair Restoration & Transplant Center online and request a consultation at our Houston practice.