How Do Facial Hair Transplants Work? Is the Surgery Right for Me? By Bernard Arocha, MD on April 25, 2024

man with full facial hairMany people are aware of hair restoration to address thinning and bald spots on the scalp. However, some don’t realize that the precise hair transplant techniques available today allow surgeons to target smaller, more specific areas. Facial hair transplants place donor hair follicles on the face to add fullness to the beard, mustache, sideburns, or eyebrows.

Individuals who experience difficulty growing the full facial hair they desire often wonder how facial hair transplants work and whether surgery is the right solution for their unique needs. Dr. Bernardino Arocha of the Arocha Hair Restoration & Transplant Center in Houston, TX, provides interested candidates with information about the facial hair transplant procedure, techniques, and potential candidacy.

How Does a Facial Hair Transplant Work?

A facial hair transplant utilizes hair restoration techniques to add fullness to facial hair. During a hair transplant, Dr. Arocha collects donor hair from the side or back of the head. Dr. Arocha selects donor hair that closely matches the color and texture of the facial hair. Dr. Arocha usually uses the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique for facial hair transplants, which enables him to collect and transplant individual hair follicles. He strategically places collected follicles to create volume where hair grows thin or not at all.

Candidates for Facial Hair Transplant

Hair transplant candidates must be free of conditions that increase the risk of surgery, have an ample source of donor hair, be willing to follow post-surgical care instructions, and have realistic expectations for treatment results. If individuals meet those conditions, a facial hair transplant may be ideal for:

  • Filling in thin or bare areas among facial hair
  • Enhancing or changing the shape of the beard
  • Adding volume to sparse eyebrows
  • Covering facial burns or scars
  • Creating a natural beard for transgender patients

Types of Facial Hair Transplant

Dr. Arocha customizes a facial hair transplant to each of his Houston patient’s needs and desires. He offers several facial hair transplant techniques, including beard transplant, eyebrow transplant, and transplantation for transgender patients.

Beard Transplant Surgery

Many men believe a beard is a defining physical feature that enhances masculinity. However, not all can naturally achieve the full beard they desire. A beard transplant fills in thin or bare patches to add shape and thickness to beard hair. Dr. Arocha uses donor hair follicles to enhance the beard, sideburns, or mustache, as his Houston patients desire.

Eyebrow Transplant Surgery

Eyebrows may not take up a lot of space on the face, but they significantly impact a person’s appearance. Thin or uneven eyebrows can make a person self-conscious about their appearance and throw off facial proportions. Eyebrow transplant surgery adds volume to the eyebrows to provide a full and symmetrical frame for the eyes.

Transplantation for Transgender Patients

Facial hair transplants are a great option for transgender patients transitioning to male. Hormones may promote facial hair growth, but transgender patients often do not get the volume they desire. Hair may grow patchy or uneven. A transgender hair transplant provides fullness and uniformity, allowing transgender patients to tailor facial hair to their specific preferences.

Contact Arocha Hair Restoration & Transplant Center

Hair restoration is not just for the scalp. Individuals with a sparse beard or eyebrows can benefit from facial hair transplant surgery. To learn more about the facial hair transplant techniques offered at the Arocha Hair Restoration & Transplant Center, contact us online and schedule an appointment with Dr. Bernardino Arocha at your earliest convenience.

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Dr. Bernardino Arocha's headshot

Arocha Hair Restoration

Since 2002, Bernardino A. Arocha, M.D. has been transforming lives through the power of hair restoration. With an artistic approach and a variety of procedures available, Arocha Hair Restoration has a track record of providing stunning results. Dr. Arocha is affiliated with prominent organizations with memberships that include:

  • Diplomate, American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)
  • Fellow, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
  • American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ASHRS)
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS)

If you're ready for a full head of hair, we invite you to contact us with our form or call us at (713) 526-4247.

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