Arocha Hair Restoration

Hair Care After Transplant Surgery: Tips for Patients

Dec 13, 2023 @ 07:47 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Transplant Surgery Aftercare Advice

Getting a hair transplant can be a great decision for many people, helping them feel more confident about their appearance and in social situations. At Arocha Hair Restoration in Houston, TX, we offer the most advanced hair restoration techniques, including FUE and FUT. However, to get the best possible results, it’s important to follow our hair transplant surgery aftercare advice. These tips for patients help ensure that you feel comfortable after surgery, know what to expect, and achieve a successful outcome.

Don’t Touch the Scalp

One of the most important pieces of advice that we have for patients: do not touch your scalp in the days after surgery. During this time, the scalp is healing and the transplanted follicles are at a sensitive stage. Touching your scalp increases the risk of infection, can dislodge the newly transplanted follicles, and adversely affect your outcome.

We understand that the urge to touch the scalp can be strong for patients as they experience itching, tingling, and other sensations that may cause them to unconsciously touch their head. However, refraining from touching your scalp during the crucial healing period in the week after hair transplant surgery can improve your results. Do your best not to touch or pick at your scalp and the newly transplanted follicles during this time.

Stay Comfortable

For the first few days to a week after surgery, you want to stay as comfortable as possible. Be sure to give yourself time to rest for three to four days after surgery. You will also want to refrain from any strenuous activity for at least one week after surgery. Take this time to stay as comfortable as possible to prevent any complications after hair transplant surgery. Consider it a good time to stay in and catch up on shows, read books, or just generally relax and take it easy for a few days.

Wash Hair as Instructed

Before undergoing hair transplant surgery, the team at our Houston practice will give you specific and customized instructions about washing your hair after surgery. In most cases, patients will wait a few days to wash their hair and scalp. When it is time to wash your hair, we recommend use of a gentle and non-abrasive shampoo to avoid any sensitivity to the scalp. We may also provide you with special shampoo to use at first. Be sure to follow our washing instructions in order to achieve the best possible outcome from your hair transplant surgery.

What to Avoid

After your hair transplant surgery, there are several things that you should avoid for up to a few weeks after surgery. Activities such as swimming, drinking alcohol, smoking, and heavy exercise can delay your healing process or affect the final results of your surgery. Be sure to talk to our doctors to get pre-approval to engage in any of these activities after your hair transplant surgery.

Contact Arocha Hair Restoration

Contact Arocha Hair Restoration today to schedule a consultation about hair transplants. The team at our Houston practice will perform a full physical exam, discuss your medical history, understand the rate of your hair loss, and learn more about your cosmetic goals to determine the best treatment plan.