Arocha Hair Restoration

Thinning Hair Remedies in 2018

Mar 29, 2018 @ 07:06 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Austin Hair Restoration Dallas Hair Restoration Hair Loss Hair Restoration Houston Hair Restoration

Using the right remedies and treatment options, thinning hair can effectively be managed in 2018. Although the miracle cure for hair loss remains undiscovered, new treatments, surgeries and medicated products can slow hair loss down and even restore thick, natural hair to areas of the scalp that have gone bald.

At Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center, Dr. Arocha offers his patients the latest in thinning hair remedies to ensure they combat hereditary hair loss from every angle.

Medicated Products

Thinning hair remedies exist in the form of two medicated products: Propecia and Rogaine. Both products are FDA-approved to affect hair loss and promote thicker hair. While neither product can stop hair loss completely or completely regrow hair that has been lost, they can make a noticeable impact on hair growth when used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Rogaine works by slowing the effects of hereditary hair loss. Regular application of Rogaine will prevent more hair from falling out. Propecia works to revive aging follicles and promote thicker hair growth. Propecia can even reactivate follicles that have recently stopped producing hair, although it cannot revive hair follicles in spots that have gone completely bald.

Medicated Treatments

Modern thinning hair remedies include new treatments. For advanced hair restoration, a nutrient-rich formula is derived from the patient’s body and then reintroduced into the scalp to promote hair growth and healthy follicles. LLLT uses laser energy to warm the scalp and counteract hereditary hair loss by increasing blood flow in the area.

These medicated treatment options are relatively new and have shown promising results for most patients. Not every patient experiences immediate effects, but Dr. Arocha may recommend one of these two treatment options for those looking to utilize all methods of FDA-approved thinning hair remedies.

Hair Transplants

When other thinning hair remedies are not enough, hair transplants are the best option for restoring hair. Two different hair transplantation surgery methods exist, both of which provide natural and effective results.

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) extracts healthy hair follicles from a strip of skin along the back or sides of the scalp. After the strip is removed, the follicles are separated from the skin and the excision is sutured shut. The healthy follicular units can then be transplanted individually into the targeted areas of the scalp to counteract the effects of hair loss and rebuild hairlines.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) uses a similar method as FUT but has a different approach to harvesting the grafts for transplantation. Rather than removing a piece of the scalp and creating scarring, FUE opts to remove follicular units using a handheld punch device. This method allows for a surgery that is nearly scar-free. The healthy follicular units are then transplanted into the scalp using the same process as FUT.

If you are interested in any of these modern treatments to tackle your hereditary hair loss, make an appointment at Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center to learn how you can restore your thinning hair. Call us today at 713-526-HAIR or 713-526-4247.