Arocha Hair Restoration

What Are the Reasons for Hair Loss?

Dec 20, 2017 @ 01:35 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur unexpectedly and develop without any clear explanation or obvious cause. Many men and women search high and low for a cure to their ongoing hair loss by changing their diets, taking hair loss vitamins or introducing new oils and shampoos to their hair care routines. Unfortunately, the reasons for hair loss are not usually a result of improper hair care.

Dr. Arocha and his team at Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center are capable of restoring your hair loss through hair transplantation surgery and the latest in hair restoration treatments. If you are experiencing hair loss but are unsure of the cause, read on to find out some of the main reasons for hair loss.


If your parents or grandparents experienced balding and hair loss, your odds of losing your hair are greatly affected. Hair loss is mainly attributed to genetics, meaning no amount of hair loss vitamins or medicated shampoos are going to stop hair loss once it begins. While scientific research has yet to determine the exact cause of genetic hair loss and develop a cure for the common affliction, techniques and medicated products have been developed to at least slow down hair loss and thicken aging follicles.

High Periods of Stress

High periods of stress or trauma, whether mental or physical, can cause shock to the body and contribute to sudden and unexpected hair loss. If your hair has suddenly begun to fall out up to six months after an accident, prolonged stressful period or the loss of a loved one, it may be stress-related. If you can trace back your sudden hair loss to a specific event or period, you can rest assured that your hair will eventually bounce back. This type of hair loss is not permanent and you can expect your hair to regrow soon.

Medical Conditions

Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that develops when the immune system begins to unexpectedly target hair follicles. This autoimmune disease is characterized by sudden patches of hair loss that may expand to cover large sections of the scalp or lead to complete baldness. There is no known cure for alopecia areata and it is not well-understood, but many patients experience complete regrowth of lost hair within one year.

Vitamin and iron deficiencies can also rarely lead to hair loss, although the vast majority of people receive more than enough of the nutrients required for healthy hair in their daily diets. If you are experiencing hair loss and are worried it may be due to a vitamin deficiency, consider adding a daily adult multivitamin to your regular diet.

If you are noticing the signs of genetic hair loss, schedule an appointment with Dr. Arocha at Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center. Dr. Arocha will work with you one-on-one to determine the best course of action to stop your hair loss in its tracks and restore receding hairlines and bald spots through the latest in hair transplantation surgery. Call Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center today at 713-526-HAIR.