Arocha Hair Restoration

Are Hair Transplants Permanent?

Feb 17, 2016 @ 12:07 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Loss Treatments Hair Restoration Hair Transplants

One of the more commonly asked questions from individuals who are considering surgical hair restoration is: will the results be permanent? Dr. Bernardino Arocha utilizes some of the most advanced hair restoration surgery techniques available, including Follicular Unit Extraction and Follicular Unit Transplantation, which make it possible for patients to enjoy extremely long-lasting and natural-looking results.

When you undergo hair replacement surgery here at our practice, the transplanted hair is taken from a donor area on the sides or back of the head. Most of the hair in these areas are part of what’s called a “permanent zone,” which typically contains hair that grows indefinitely without falling out. There are exceptions to this rule but it is true for the majority of patients. This makes it very important to utilize this region of hair for the donor hair transplant. With the proper care after surgery, the transplanted hair should maintain its growth cycle for many years, often permanently. With that in mind, the full results of surgery will likely not be totally apparent until 12 to 18 months following the procedure. In some cases, patients may also need a second procedure in order to fully achieve their individual goals.

Remember, state-of-the-art advances in hair restoration have made it possible to achieve what was once impossible: long-lasting, natural-looking hair replacement that is as natural as nature itself.