Arocha Hair Restoration

Top 10 Artistic Hair Restoration Articles from August 2011

Mar 17, 2015 @ 05:48 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Dr Bernard Arocha

At Arocha Hair Restoration, we keep close tabs on what is happening in the hair loss community and the advances in research and hair transplant techniques. But just as important is the feedback we get from people like you who come to this website for education about hair loss and hair restoration. In fact, in the month of August, we registered nearly 5,000 article views, which was a record.

Below are the most frequently read articles from August 2011:

  1. Prediction for 2011: Further Advances in "Auto-Cloning" Hair
  2. Miss Delaware Goes Wigless for Alopecia Areata
  3. Results of a 4,000 Unit Artistic Hair Transplant
  4. The Truth About Hair Transplant Scars: What Every Patient Should Know
  5. Post-Surgical Hair Loss
  6. 10 Most Read Artistic Hair Restoration Articles from July 2011
  7. Hair Straightener Warnings Spread Worldwide
  8. Eyebrow Restoration
  9. Results of a 2,000 Follicular Unit Tranplant
  10. Follicular Unit Extraction or Follicular Unit Isolation versus Strip Surgery
If you have ideas for future story ideas or questions about any of the topics you see covered in the articles on this website, please let us know. We have a comment box below.