Arocha Hair Restoration

Six Point Process to Restore Your Confidence

Mar 17, 2015 @ 06:02 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Dr Bernard Arocha

Arocha Hair Restoration uses the latest advanced hair transplant techniques to restore the receding hairline and crown associated with thinning hair. We use the patient's very own hair in the hair restoration process. We never use glues, weaves or synthetic hair. Natural, undetectable results can only be achieved by using your own natural hair, which is what we always do.

For the man or woman with hair loss, who has good donor density and favorable hair characteristics, the Arocha Total Restoration procedure can produce excellent results in less than one year. This procedure combines maximal hair restoration surgery with maximal medical hair restoration to achieve optimal results in record time. The hair restoration surgery is maximized by:

1. Detailed scalp examination - Your initial consultation with hair restoration specialist Dr. Arocha will include a review of your medical history, an examination of your existing hair and scalp and an honest evaluation of your goals and expectations. It is essential to begin by getting the patient to describe their realistic hair transplant goals so we can work to exceed those goals. It is also important to understand what is causing the hair loss to determine if it can be treated effectively with medical treatment, pointing out that not every patient is a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. The article, “Patient Hair Restoration Goals,” has more information about patient goals.

2. Careful selection and harvesting of the donor hair - Your hair restoration session in your own private surgical suite. You will begin the hair restoration process by having a small area at the back of the head shaved and prepared to be surgically removed. Typically, Arocha Hair Restoration starts the hair transplant procedure by scoring the surface of the patient's scalp with a single blade rather than cutting all the way down past the base of the follicles. Once this small piece of your scalp has been removed the area will be sutured together using a double layer closure technique to achieve less tension and pulling on the external skin level sutures, which reduces the chances of stretching and scarring along the donor scar. He closes the donor area by first using internal sutures to pull the subcutaneous tissues beneath the skin together. This takes more time, but is optimal for the patient's healing and comfort, reducing the tension on the surface of the skin so it can be sutured together under minimal tension. The article, “Fundamentals of Artistic Hair Restoration: The Donor / Demand Ratio,” has more information on this topic.

3. Determining proper density and achieving the necessary harvest yield - Determining what density is necessary to achieve the patient's desired results is essential in order to begin designing the dimensions of the donor tissue area to be harvested. Dr. Arocha gently separates the follicles in the donor strip away from the underlying donor area using forceps to minimize the chance of transecting the precious donor follicles along the edge of the donor strip. More information is available in the article, "Hair Transplant Fundamentals: Planning and Harvesting the Donor Tissue."

4. Careful attention to the recipient sites - Dr. Arocha describes the hair transplant procedure as "painting with hair." Like all artists, Dr. Arocha spends considerable time planning. This ensures the end result is appropriate for the patient's age and gender. For instance, it would be unnatural for a middle aged man to have the hairline of a teenager. Even men who do not have male pattern baldness experience some receding at the temples -- so the design takes these factors and others into account. The article, “Artistic Hair Restoration Basics“ has more information on this topic as does the video below.

5. Optimal handling of the donor tissue - To minimize the time the donor tissue and follicles are out of the body, Dr. Arocha typically extracts one section of donor tissue at a time. Individual strands of hair follicular units will be carefully removed and prepared to be surgically implanted in the areas recommended by Dr. Arocha.

6. Expedient and careful placing of the grafts - Tiny incisions will be made in the scalp and the harvested hair strands will be gently inserted into these small incisions. The incisions need to be made with careful attention to both angle and direction, which Arocha Hair Restoration believes are the most critical aspects of artistic hair restoration. Over time and after thousands of hair transplant procedures, Doctor Arocha has developed a sense that allows him to envision the outcomes of placing a hair follicle into a particular place and at a particular angle. The goal is to achieve naturally occurring angles that allow the hair to lie naturally.

The hair restoration process can take from 6 to 8 hours to complete. Once the hair restoration process is completed, the scalp is allowed to heal. In about one week tiny scabs will form and begin to fall from the incisions. The scalp will return to its normal look and feel and patients are free to resume their normal lifestyle and activities.

The maximal medical hair restoration component is achieved through the use of combination medical therapies. In the hands of an experienced hair restoration surgeon, these techniques ensure excellent results that developed gradually over the course of 6 to 12 months.