Arocha Hair Restoration

Hairline Restoration in the Frontal to Mid-Scalp Areas

Mar 17, 2015 @ 05:26 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Loss

We wanted to share some before and after photos with you from a recent case that may be similar to what you are seeing in the mirror. This gentleman is in his 50s and was tired of watching his hairline recede. Dr. Arocha worked with him to plan an artistic hair restoration designed to restore his hair in the frontal to mid-scalp areas, which would improve his receding hairline significantly.

In total, Dr. Arocha and his team transplanted 3,375 follicles from the back of the patient's scalp. The after photos are taken eight months post-op. If you would like to see more before and after photos from a broad range of patient types, click here.

