Arocha Hair Restoration

Early Treatment of Hair Loss

Mar 17, 2015 @ 06:39 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Loss

Men and women with hair loss usually fallow a chronic and progressive course . The vast majority of the men and women who are affected by hair loss have pattern hair loss.

In men, the condition is known as Androgenetic Alopecia . The man inherits, from either side of the family, the pattern of distribution of hair which is sensitive to the miniaturizing effects of DHT . DHT is the breakdown product of testosterone, the male hormone , which surges at puberty. Under the effects of DHT the thick terminal hair in the inherited pattern of distribution start to undergo progressive thinning and depigmentation . When fully expressed, the male patient has no visible hair in the inherited patern. Along the way, he has thinning hair. By the time, the thinning first becomes apparent , the male patient has already lost half his hair.

The women with pattern hair loss usually do not develop complete baldness. Their condition is usually one of progressive thinning on the top of head only, in eighty-five percent of the cases (Ludwig I and II ). The remaining fifteen percent go on to develop involvment of the back of the back (Ludwig III). Of course, the unfortunate women with Ludwig III have unreliable donor tissue.

The earlier in the course of the pattern hair loss process that hair loss treatment is started, the earlier and thicker the results of the surgery. That is, twelve hundred follicular units transplanted into the hairline will result in a much fuller appearance than if the area encompassed the front and midscalp. Also, the earlier the patient takes the first step to stop their hair loss, the sooner they can be on their way to a more youthful appearance. And by the way, the longer you have to enjoy your investment in yourself.