Arocha Hair Restoration

Actor James Nesbitt Becomes Proud Hair Transplant Advocate

Mar 17, 2015 @ 06:12 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Dr Bernard Arocha Hair Loss Treatments

Actor James Nesbitt may not be a household name in America -- yet -- but by coming forward about his hair transplant he has become the epicenter of a red hot topic.

The 45 year old Golden Globe nominated actor from Northern Ireland recently revealed that he had a hair transplant that has changed his life. Recent photographs have emerged showing him with a much thicker and fuller head of hair.

According to press reports, Nesbitt had become concerned about his thinning hair as he entered his 40s.

“Several years ago, I began losing my hair and like a lot of men it was a major concern to me, in fact it was practically an obsession. But, also I’m an actor so I’m in the public eye a lot and I really felt that my hair loss could affect my career prospects.

“… I have had two hair transplants and I am very pleased with the results. In fact, I’d go as far as to say they’ve changed my life.”

The revelation has prompted quite a bit of tongue wagging among the tabloids and TV entertainment shows. We view it as a real plus that hair restoration is being discussed openly and that people are being exposed to the truly natural and undetectable results that are achievable with state-of-the-art hair transplant techniques.

If your grandfather's side of the family, your grandmother's side of the family, your father's side of the family or your mother's side of the family experienced male pattern baldness, chances are that you will also inherit this trait.

In extreme cases, male hair loss can start as early as the teenage years but for most it develops in their late twenties or thirties. Typically, hair begins to thin and then disappear from the temples and crown of the head. For many men the thinning of their hair can be life changing. In some cases, hair loss can lead to bouts of depression as well as feelings of self consciousness and a loss of confidence.

The treatment of male pattern baldness (MPB) is best accomplished by a two-prong approach. First your baldness can be surgically treated with a hair transplant to restore the framing of your face. It is critical that a naturally occurring pattern be restored. The use of microsurgical techniques ensures that your results are completely natural and undetectable.

Secondly your hair loss should be stabilized by medical therapy consisting of propecia and rogaine 5%. Propecia is a blocker of 5a-reductase which prevents the conversion of testosterone to DHT. This is important because we do not know which pattern of hair loss you have inherited. That is, alopecia can continue to progress until the pattern you have in your genes is completely developed. Propecia slows or stops hair loss progression in about 90% of men.

Most important: consider modern state-of-the-art hair transplant as an option. We owe James Nesbitt a great deal for being willing to speak openly about his procedure and the impact it has had on his life.